



Light Comedy





Light Comedy





Light Comedy





This musical example consists of three basics elements: a rhythmic vamp, a theme (melody) and a bridge (or transition). Although this example lasts only forty seconds, you can use these three elements to extend very little musical material into two or three minutes. Even in this composition, the vamp, the theme and the bridge last only a few seconds each, yet we manage to get forty seconds of very enjoyable music out of them.

The rhythmic vamp is all of two bars long:

By repeating it again in bars 3 and 4, we give time to establish the groove and at the same time extend the length of the composition.

We introduce the theme in bar 5. We then repeat it starting again in bar 9:

We don't mind hearing the short theme repeated again in bar 9 because we add another instrument (the flute) to the sound of the theme.