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The Harpsichord

On rare occasions, the harpsichord is used within an orchestral setting.

Harpsichords have been built in many different sizes over the years so the range can vary. A safe range for a modern harpsichord is from F1 (two octaves plus a Perfect 5th below Middle C) up to F6 (two octaves plus a Perfect 4th above Middle C).

Its bright metallic sound blends well with stringed instruments, coloring the music with a familiar, baroque sound:

Final Thoughts

The piano, celesta and harpsichord are not always found in every musical score. And even when they are included in the score, they are sometimes felt, rather than heard. The piano can reinforce other orchestral tones, and the celesta can add sparkle and twinkle. Learning to write effectively for keyboard instruments will allow your music to acquire a richer tapestry of sound.