










Augmented Chords

Once you have created a major chord, you are only one step away from turning it into an Augmented chord. Simply take the 5th of any major chord and raise it by one half-step.

For example, the notes of a C Major chord are C, E and G. The note G is the 5th note of your C Major scale and is therefore the 5th of your C Major chord. Raise that G to a G#. You now have a C Augmented chord. Again, the notes C, E and G# create a C Augmented chord. Let's listen to the sound of this chord:

Intervals of the Augmented Chord

An Augmented chord consists of two Major 3rds:

The reference for an Augmented chord is either "aug." or "+".  So, either "C aug." or "C+" denotes a C Augmented chord.






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