









Major Chords

The Major chord is the most common chord used in music. To construct a Major chord, simply pick any Major scale.

Let's start with a simple C Major scale:

The 1st note of any scale is called the root. The root, 3rd and 5th note of that major scale comprise the three notes of a Major chord:


The root (or 1st) note of this scale is C, the 3rd note is E and the 5th note is G. These three notes played simultaneously create a C Major chord:

Let's listen to the sound of this chord:

Intervals of the Major Chord

A Major chord consists of a Major 3rd plus a minor 3rd:

The reference for a Major chord is either "Maj." or simply the capital letter name of the chord. So, either "C Maj." or "C" denotes a C Major chord.
















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