Mischievous 1 Musical Example
Mischievous 1 Secret Score
Mischievous 1 Music/ Score |
MelodyAn effective way of expressing mischief in your music is to create a sort of Halloween, “trick or treat” sound. This is commonly accomplished by having the bassoon play a quirky melody, as we have done here. This "quirkiness" is derived not only from the bouncy, staccato notes of the melody, but also from the unique sound of the bassoon itself: Pizzicato strings accompany the bassoon melody. In this example, the strings play both the harmony (bar1) and counter melody (bar 2, beat 1): Clarinets also add a playful color to the music. In addition to doubling some of the pizzicato string lines, the clarinets play humorous sounding grace notes (bars 1 & 3): The xylophone and triangle also add an element of fun and mischief. |