



Major 6th




Major 6th


Major 6th Chords

At times, you will want to make use of the pleasant quality of a major chord but would like to hear a richer sound. These are the moments you will want to use a Major 6th chord. Let's listen to the sound of a Major 6th chord:

You can hear that this chord has a rather calming effect. It also lends a slight jazz quality to the music.

We can construct the Major 6th chord from a C Major scale:

Intervals of the Major 6th Chord

A Diminished chord consists of a Major 3rd, a minor 3rd and a Major 2nd:

Note: The reference for a Major 6th chord is either "Maj.6." or "6". So, either "C Maj.6" or "C6" denotes a C Major 6th chord.