



Circle of


Major Keys


Circle of


Relative Minors


Circle of



Moving Around the Circle of 5ths: Key Signatures (cont.)

As we reach halfway point of the circle, we arrive at the key of F#. At this point, we need to change our focus from sharps to flats. Luckily, the key of F# sounds exactly the same as the key of Gb. That is because F# is enharmonic with Gb.

So, now we can continue moving clockwise around the circle. But this time instead of adding sharps, we are subtracting flats. When we move from the key of Gb to the key of Db, we remove one flat from our key signature.

As we then move a 5th from Db to the key of Ab, we remove yet another flat from our key signature. We continue in this fashion all the way to the key of F, which has only one flat left in the key signature. With one final step forward, we return to our original key of C.